In June I change my tune…

I heard a cuckoo yesterday, a way across the hillside, but however far, it lifts my spirits. My father was listening out each year, 24th, 25th April.  And then came the times he couldn’t hear that there wasn’t a cuckoo to be heard.

He would have  enjoyed the cowslips and Northern marsh orchids that appear in my garden 

Daughter and granddaughter.

I’m heading south to see family and on a new venture.  I am showing my work to who ever cares to visit under the umbrella of South East Open Studios.  A new audience and some new works to share.

I will be open the first two weekends in June plus a few days in the week. Dipping my toes into the southern art scene.

The white Cliffs near Folkstone

And seeing all my family.

If you are interested. Look out for the SEOS catalogues in shops and cafes and the signage at every venue, I am venue no.44 – half a mile down the hill from Brightling.

Goldfinch, collagraph
‘Gone Away…’ . Mixed media painting.
Lillie’s. Water soluble oil on canvas.

A varied mix of images and media.  I think they all benifit from viewing in the real. To see the true colours, surface, scale, and intention.

Such a good variety of work in the area,

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